The new Kinedu Courses Affiliate Program has landed
Earn ongoing monthly income by joining our free affiliate program
The new Kinedu Courses Affiliate Program has landed
Earn ongoing monthly income by joining our free affiliate program
3 easy steps to start earning commissions.
Join for free. It only takes 1 minute to sign up and start promoting. With 20% affiliate commission, earning money has never been easier!
When you become an affiliate, we'll provide you with an affiliate ID. Share any product link including your ID. We track every page you share.
When someone visits the link you have shared and purchases a course, you'll earn 20% not only on the initial sale, but also on any recurring payments they make.
$ 19.99 course
$ 3.99
$ 48.99 bundle
$ 9.79
$ 64.99 bundle
$ 12.99
Kinedu Full Access
$ 12
About Payments
Set up Payment Method
- Click at the top left of the dashboard "Set up payment method".
- Enter your PayPal account name/email. Create a new account if needed.
- Ensure your PayPal info is correct as there's no verification process.
Payment days
- Commissions are paid on the last day of every month.
- Purchases made 5 days before payout will be paid the following month.
Transaction Fee
PayPal will apply a 3.95% + 0.30 USD fee per payout.